Christmas Tree Care

There’s nothing like a real, fresh cut tree at Christmas time! They are a wonderfully fragrant and look great when decorated. Follow these steps to keep your fresh Christmas tree looking it’s very best for as long as possible.

When you find a tree that’s just the right shape and size, do a freshness test. Gently grasp a branch between your thumb and forefinger and pull it toward you. Very few needles should come off in your hand if the tree is fresh. Then, give the tree a shake or bounce on its stump.  It’s normal to see a few needles fall to the ground, but not too many. Some loss of interior brown needles is normal and will occur over the lifetime of the tree. 

If you purchase your tree at Spruce It Up, we will give it a straight fresh cut, right at the base to help with water absorption. This gets rid of any dried-over resin that might block the tree from taking up water. Only do the fresh cut right before the tree is going in water (no longer than 2 hours before).

If you’re not going to set up your tree right away, keep it in a sheltered area outside or in an unheated garage. This will protect it from the wind and sun until you’re ready to decorate it. Place the tree in a bucket full of water and refill as needed.

When you’re ready to set your tree up inside, give it a fresh cut, and take off 1-2 inches from the bottom. If you don’t cut off some of the trunk, the tree won’t be able to absorb water efficiently and will dry out quickly. Immediately place your tree in a tree stand that holds a gallon of water or more.

For the first couple of weeks your tree will be thirsty. Check the water twice a day and keep your tree hydrated.  A good idea is adding some tree preserve to the water, it opens up the capillaries of the tree to absorb more water. Water is important because it prevents the needles from drying and dropping off and the boughs from drooping. Water also keeps the tree fragrant. 

Keep your tree away from heat sources like vents or electric heaters. They could make your tree dry out faster and could also be a fire hazard. 

Be sure to keep an eye on your pets around the Christmas trees. Make sure they don’t drink the water in the tree stand as it can upset their stomach and reduce the water the tree is getting.